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What is Google Adsense? How to Make Money?

 What is Google Adsense? How to Make Money?

When you finish reading this article, you will have detailed information about "Making money with Google Adsense" and "How much money can be made from a website?" You will find the answer to your question. If you are ready, we start.

What is Google Adsense?

The simplest and risk-free method known to make money on the internet is to make money with Google Adsense. If we said the simplest method known, we would like you to evaluate it as the simplest of the difficulties. Because, contrary to the general belief, making money on the internet is a really difficult and serious earning model. First of all, you need to know that you have stepped into a professional job where you can reach numbers that are not easy but you cannot think of if you can be successful.

To explain Google Adsense in the simplest way; We can say making money by posting Google ads on your websites and Youtube channels. In other words; You create a website or Youtube channel, and the advertisers or companies advertise on your sites or in your videos. Therefore, you also earn money from these advertisements. This is how simple it is.

Do I Need to Have a Website to Make Money From Google Adsense?

You don't actually need a website to make money with Google Adense. If you can produce video content, you can make money just by publishing videos on Youtube. However, in order for your channel to be open to monetization, your channel must have some features. We will talk about them under the heading of "Making money with Youtube". But without distracting the subject, we want to emphasize the importance of having a website to make money with Adsense.

If you want to make money from Adsense, even if you have a Youtube channel, you must have a website. Here, we are not talking about a technical necessity, but a requirement that will increase your chances of making money. For example; You can also grind the coffee beans in a hand grinder, but if you use a quality grinder designed for this job, the process takes less time and the flavor of the coffee increases because each bean that is ground will be of the same size.

Users who want to access any content on the Internet (ie, want to visit a site by searching search terms in search engines); today they are still in demand for written content. Because, although we are in the 21st century, due to the fact that internet connection fees are expensive and people are not available to watch videos in every environment; Having a website is still important to make money with Adsense.

In addition, what we call content does not only consist of writing. A good content should be supported by elements such as photographs, pictures, videos, graphics, and sound files. We will talk about this subject under the title of "SEO-friendly website". We have also emphasized that it is necessary to have a website in order to make money with Adsense as soon as possible.

How Is It Necessary To Set Up A Website To Make Money With Google Adsense?

The biggest mistake made about making money with Google Adsense is "Which sites in the sector can make money from Adsense? It is to seek an answer to the question. Usually, webmasters create sites on unrelated topics, just for the sake of making a lot of money, and as a result, they are disappointed. E.g; "What is parity?" Opening a site in the Forex or VIOP area by someone who does not have enough financial knowledge to answer the question will likely result in failure. Because, in order to publish a web site on any subject, it is essential to have above average knowledge of that subject. Especially since it is necessary to enter at least one content per day on a site established to earn money with Adsense, it will be difficult to find a topic to write after a while. Since the website will not attract visitors and will not earn money since the day it was founded, it will be very difficult for you to produce content on a subject that you have no interest in. After all, after a few months of effort, if you have not done anything other than adding a new domain name to the internet trash with a domain that will not be renewed next year.

To summarize; It is wrong to open a website in areas that you do not have enough control to produce regular content. Well, what's the truth? Now let's explain what should happen.

If you are serious about making money with Adsense, you need to know to be patient first. It is not possible to earn money (with exceptions) with Adsense for the first six months at best, on a newly opened website. This means that if you do not know how to persevere, you cannot make money with Adsense.

The second important thing is that you set up a site for your area or hobbies. If you have a good knowledge of a field or are interested in amateur as a hobby; You will not be difficult to produce written and visual content in that area.

For example, if "amateur fishing" is one of your hobbies, if you go fishing several times a month, setting up a website about amateur fishing increases your chances of making money from Adsense. Because people will not have difficulty and will not be bored (or less bored) while producing content on the topics they love and dominate, even if the site does not earn money, content continues to enter the site. Even a video you take during any of your fishing is an original content that is not available anywhere.

These examples can be increased according to your interests. It is a sustainable business for someone who loves to play online to start a game blog (even if it does not earn money for a while) because it is enjoyable. Even if this person's blog is visited by a few people a day and it doesn't make money for a long time; The project will be long-lasting as the work done will give pleasure to the person.

In short, it is wiser to look for a sector where long-term content can be produced instead of searching for a sector that makes a lot of money.

Another recommendation is that you stay away from issues such as sports and news that quickly become outdated. Because these sectors are sectors that require constant up-to-date and teamwork. For example, an analysis article you have written about the Fenerbahçe - Galatasaray derby will be out of date with the whistle of the derby. Or, the news you post about the current situation of the stock exchange does not have a verdict the next day. Therefore, the articles on the site you create should be kept up to date for a long time. Going back to the amateur fishing site example; Thirty years ago, the techniques of "fishing with longs" were the same, it will probably not change in the next thirty years. Or the recipe for "making chocolate cake" will keep its same for many years.

In addition, in sectors such as sports and news; users tend to prefer branded websites. Especially if you are going to work alone, if you do not have a budget to pay royalties to news agencies, we recommend that you do not enter these sectors.

SEO-Friendly Website

In order to make money with Adsense, visitors must come to your site and click on the ad. In order to access the information they are looking for, visitors type the search terms for the information they want to access in search engines such as Google and go to the listed sites. Therefore, it is imperative that you optimize your site so that search engines list it, that is, SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

SEO; It is possible to divide it into "internal SEO" (On Page Seo) and "External SEO" (Of Page SEO). What is meant by external SEO; Your site is recommended on the web. All issues such as sharing a content on your site on social media, mentioning a topic by linking to your site from another website are all external SEO processes. The most important thing to consider when doing external SEO is to behave naturally. It should not be forgotten that search engines that are trying to be manipulated; they are only technology firms with brand values ​​measured in billions of USD. It is very difficult, even impossible, to manipulate a technology company that employs dozens of software engineers in its simplest department with a few thousand lira computer standing on your desk. For this reason, all external SEO work should look 100% organic and natural.

What is meant by internal SEO is the visible face of your site to the user. Making a user-friendly website, which the British call "user friendly", is also the basis of internal SEO. So what about the content of a user-friendly website? Let's find the answer to this question now.

On a user-friendly website; The visitor finds the content he / she is looking for on the page from the search engine. He spends enough time on the site to read the content he finds. At the same time, it does not encounter an element that will make it difficult to navigate the site with unnecessary advertisements such as pop-ups.

In a user-friendly website; the visitor can easily find side information related to the information they are looking for. For example; If you refer to another page by giving an in-site link in your article; The information on that page should also be of interest to the user. In other words, if the links you give in the article are not relevant to the subject you are examining (if there is no click) or if the user does not spend time on the other page despite clicking (that is, if he does not read that page), your site will lose value in the eyes of search engines. For this reason, spamming should be avoided in the site linking process.

Quick opening of the site, supporting mobile devices, and not making the theme difficult to navigate (plain, simple but functional themes should be preferred) positively affect the user experience.

Apart from all these, another important issue is that it is easy for visitors to interact with each other and site administrators on your site. If users (especially in the comments sections) ask questions about your content and find answers to the questions they ask; The value of your site in the eyes of search engines will increase because they will revisit your site (due to the increase in the "repeat visit rate").

What we have explained under this title is the basis of making a website suitable for SEO. SEO; it is not something that can be mastered by explaining a few pages. But this is not possible without what we have told.

How Does Google Adsense Pay Money?

Another question that those who want to make money with Adsense can ask is "According to what does Adsense give money?" is the question. Google Adsense pays if someone clicks on the ads displayed on your site. In other words, if the ads on your site are not clicked, you will not have any income.

Webmasters who have just started to use the Adsense panel and see the value of RPM (revenue per thousand impressions); It may be mistaken that Adsense also pays per impression. Because RPM is a statistical value. Every thousand impressions on your site shows how much money you have earned as a result of clicks. It is calculated as the amount earned / number of impressions.

Make Money With Youtube

We have already said that you can also post ads on your Youtube channel using your Adsense account. Under this heading, "How to make money from Youtube?" We will try to answer the question briefly.

To make money with Youtube, you must first have a minimal degree of video editing. Having at least a basic knowledge of simple video editing programs like Adobe Premier or Edius will put you one step ahead of your competitors. Because if you are not a journalist, a politician, a lawyer or an expert who can provide information on any subject that people seek; Content consisting only of your speeches in front of the camera will not be in demand. At least, it is your advantage that you have enough video editing knowledge to add intros to the video content you create and to make “cut montage”.

Another point you should pay attention to on Youtube is that you use "royalty-free content". In particular, your use of copyrighted audio or video material; It will prevent you from making money from your video. Using thirty seconds of royalty in a ten-minute video that you have created with great effort may result in all advertising revenue being paid to the copyrighted content owner.

Our recommendation is to create a website and use written and visual content together.

How Much Does Google Adsense Earn?

We seem to hear you saying, "Now get to the point". You set up a website, created satisfying and useful content, and made your site user-friendly. So, "how much money is earned from the website?" you say so?

Adsense monthly earnings will vary each month you use this program, depending on the status of your website. Of course, after a while, you may not fall below a certain number. But generally, you will earn different earnings each month than the previous month.

For example, you have set up a website about hair transplantation and created a content titled “Things to be careful about when making a hair transplant”. Luckily that month, news of hair transplantation came out one after another in the main news bulletins of major channels or it was the agenda that a very famous person had a hair transplant. Therefore, as the searches related to hair transplantation on the internet will increase, it may be that your share of the cake will increase.

Another question that may come to mind under this heading is "How much does Google Adsense pay per click?" in the form. First of all, we must state that; Turkey Adsense revenue, lower than Europe and America. The reason for this is both the exchange rate difference and the fact that internet advertisements are not in demand yet in our country.

First, let's explain the exchange rate difference with a real example. An advertiser that advertises in the word "parcel order"; per-click on a website that serves as the Turkish in Turkey to publish advertising 1 to 2 T. L. while paying a fee of 1 to 2 Pounds (ie 6 to 12 T.L.) per click to advertise on a UK-based website. The webmaster who publishes English websites in the UK earns more because their money and purchasing power is higher than us.

Another disadvantage is that the demand for internet ads is not yet at the desired level. Because Google ads are like stock markets. No cost per click is recommended by Google. Advertisers; they determine how much they will pay for which word. For example; Everyone makes an offer to advertise in the word "order a parcel". It starts showing ads starting from the highest bid on Google. Those who want to get ahead of their competitors in ad display suggest a higher cost per click than their competitors in the target word. So there is actually an auction. As the number of advertisers increases, competition will increase, so the earnings of Turkish webmasters will improve in the coming years.

Webmasters running Google Adsense ads; they receive 68% of the money paid by the advertiser. 32% of it remains with Google.

In this article, you have obtained the basic information about Google Adsense. You can click HERE to open a Google Adsense account and add your site. You can continue to follow our blog to have more detailed information about web technologies.

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